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What We Can
Do For Your Company
Brand Research
Developing the right strategy requires an understanding of how your various stakeholders view the brand and how your competitors are positioned.
In 9 out of 10 instances, how the company views its brand is different from how customers view the brand, and this can create problems because any strategy based on flawed data will be flawed.
Brand Positioning
The Brand Position is the company's statement of intent, outlining what it is aiming to achieve and how it will go about doing this.
Once the Brand Position has been crafted, everyone in the company must constantly ask themselves and each other on whether the things they are about to do are consistent with the Brand Position.
Brand Differentiation
There are 2 ways to grow a business - differentiate or sell cheap. If the company cannot do either one, it will eventually be overrun by the competition.
There are 13 strategies to create differentiation as outlined in our widely-praised branding book titled Killer Differentiators authored by Unbroken Branding's principal consultant and founder.
Brand Naming
In a market full of look-alike, me-too competitors, the brand name can be a powerful differentiator that cannot be so easily copied.
To create a great brand name that is memorable and unique, we combine your key naming parameters (the wish list) and the 10 rules of naming that are outlined in our book Get A Name! with our creativity.
Brand Innovation
Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, once wrote that only innovation and marketing produce results; the rest are just expenses.
Innovation means finding new ways to do business to stay ahead of competitors who are constantly improving. It can come from anywhere in the company and we have a process to help you find it.
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